Тема: H.O.T.K (Remastered V)
автор: AnimeFanaticBoy

сообщение оставил AnimeFanaticBoy , 02 июня 2011, 19:10
It's interesting when a vid you completely forget about returns back to where it belongs. This was my case with the original file of this "parody". Almost 1 year ago, the original file of this vid was made (July, 2010) but have several programs with Yt that took it down several times, so I desisted uploading it, pc crashed, original file lost, and completely forgot about this vid.
Until this monday when I discovered someone saved a copy of the vid  :smile:

But the original was a disaster  :laugh:
So I ended remastering it into a new version. The main idea here is a parody of the opening of H.O.T.D so I wasn't following every beat that appear in the song, but to show something different to the typical moes amvs for K-on!
The vid includes leftover scenes that were rejected for the creation of the amv PsyK-on! Hope you don't get bored watching it  :lol:

Full version: < http://akross.ru/index.cgi?act=video;id=2553;l=e >
Time: 1:30
Size: 17, 85 Mb
Codec: H.264
Video: 640x360, 1200 kbit
Audio: 48 kHz, 192 kbit

сообщение оставил Эль-тян , 02 июня 2011, 20:37
Ahahaha, pretty original idea, neighing while watching, but you have to add more blood, panties and zombies :biggrin:
Footage that you chose in my opinion excellent fit, but would like more accuracy and better quality of the clip.
00.37 -  :lol:
suggest again to do a remake of this video, Then surely be epic :tongue:

сообщение оставил AnimeFanaticBoy , 02 июня 2011, 20:58
Everybody loves the second 00:37, that scene was made just overlaying Asuza scene with a Mugi's scene, and adding chroma to the mask.
Unfortunately the creators of K-on! didn't add more panties  :laugh: then it should be an epic win. HOTD=K-on!
btw, good luck in Japan Expo, saw you in the list  :cool:

сообщение оставил Эль-тян , 02 июня 2011, 21:15
Find source material in good quality, and that 640x360 is not a cake)
00.33 - Train the scene and the girl behind the drum mumbles something ^ ^
Цитата (AnimeFanaticBoy @ 02 июня 2011, 03:58)
btw, good luck in Japan Expo, saw you in the list  

Thankee^^ I had to do an exclusive :abuse:

сообщение оставил AnimeFanaticBoy , 02 июня 2011, 22:22
Thankee^^ I had to do an exclusive

As I do too. Hmm, I was sure I showed you already how the amv looks like. Guess that only S.A Robert knows how it looks like.
But I promise that for the JE, vid will be 720p instead of 360p.
And for the AC2011, I have oficially started working in the short thing

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